Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
/** * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2021, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see or */ /* jshint node: true, browser: false, es3: false */ 'use strict'; var fs = require( 'fs' ), shjs = require( 'shelljs' ); shjs.config.silent = true; module.exports = function( grunt ) { grunt.registerTask( 'plugin-install', 'Installs external plugin to the plugins/ directory.', function( pluginName ) { var installationDir = grunt.config.get( 'plugin.installationDir' ), externalPluginDir = getExternalPluginDir( pluginName ), installationPluginDir = installationDir + pluginName; if ( !pluginName ) { 'Name of the plugin must be specified.\n' + 'Use: grunt plugin-install:<pluginName>' ); } assertExternalPluginDir( pluginName ); if ( isPluginInstalled( pluginName ) ) { grunt.log.writeln( 'The "' + pluginName + '" plugin is already installed.' ); return; } try { grunt.log.writeln( 'Creating a symlink...' ); fs.symlinkSync( '../' + externalPluginDir, installationPluginDir, 'dir' ); grunt.log.writeln( 'Adding the plugin to files ignored by Git...' ); addPluginDirToGitExclude( installationPluginDir ); } catch ( e ) { grunt.log.error( e.message ); 'Error when installing the plugin.' ); } grunt.log.ok( 'Installed the plugin "' + pluginName + '" in "' + installationPluginDir + '" directory.' ); } ); grunt.registerTask( 'plugin-uninstall', 'Uninstalls external plugin from the plugins/ directory.', function( pluginName ) { var installationDir = grunt.config.get( 'plugin.installationDir' ), installationPluginDir = installationDir + pluginName; if ( !pluginName ) { 'Name of the plugin must be specified.\n' + 'Use: grunt plugin-uninstall:<pluginName>' ); } if ( !isPluginInstalled( pluginName ) ) { grunt.log.writeln( 'The "' + pluginName + '" plugin is not installed.' ); return; } if ( !isSymlink( installationPluginDir ) ) { 'The "' + installationPluginDir + '" directory is not a symlink so plugin cannot be removed.' ); } try { grunt.log.writeln( 'Removing a symlink...' ); fs.unlinkSync( installationPluginDir ); grunt.log.writeln( 'Remove the plugin from files ignored by Git...' ); removePluginDirFromGitExclude( installationPluginDir ); } catch ( e ) { grunt.log.error( e.message ); 'Error when uninstalling the plugin.' ); } grunt.log.ok( 'Uninstalled the plugin "' + pluginName + '" from "' + installationPluginDir + '" directory.' ); } ); grunt.registerTask( 'plugin-update', 'Updates plugin to the commit ref/branch/tag specified in package.json.', function( pluginName ) { if ( !pluginName ) { 'Name of the plugin must be specified.\n' + 'Use: grunt plugin-update:<pluginName>' ); } assertExternalPluginDir( pluginName ); var pluginConfig = getPluginConfig( pluginName ); if ( !pluginConfig ) { 'Plugin "' + pluginName + '" is not configured in the package.json file.' ); } grunt.log.writeln( 'Updating plugin "' + pluginName + '" to "' + pluginConfig.remote + '/' + pluginConfig.version + '"...' ); shjs.pushd( getExternalPluginDir( pluginName ) ); try { // Kinda weak way to check the status. But let's see if it does the job for now. if ( gitStatus() ) { grunt.log.error( 'Cannot update the plugin "' + pluginName + '" due to messed status ' + '(e.g. uncommited changes or untracked files).' ); return; } grunt.log.writeln( 'Fetching changes from the remote "' + pluginConfig.remote + '"...' ); gitFetch( pluginConfig.remote ); // We could use `git show-ref --verify refs/<tags|heads>/<version>` // but KISS... if ( !pluginConfig.isCommit ) { grunt.log.writeln( 'Reseting to "' + pluginConfig.remote + '/' + pluginConfig.version + '"...' ); gitCheckout( pluginConfig.version ); gitResetHard( pluginConfig.remote, pluginConfig.version ); } else { grunt.log.writeln( 'Checking out "' + pluginConfig.version + '"...' ); gitCheckout( pluginConfig.version ); } } catch ( e ) { grunt.log.error( e.message ); 'Error when updating the plugin "' + pluginName + '".' ); } finally { shjs.popd(); } grunt.log.ok( 'Updated the plugin "' + pluginName + '".' ); } ); // TODO Add information about branch or tag to which the plugin is checked out. grunt.registerTask( 'plugins-list', 'Lists all installed external plugins.', function() { assertExternalDir(); var installedPlugins = getExternalPlugins().filter( isPluginInstalled ); if ( !installedPlugins.length ) { grunt.log.writeln( 'There are no external plugins installed.' ); return; } grunt.log.writeln( 'Installed plugins:' ); grunt.log.writeln( '* ' + installedPlugins.join( '\n* ' ) ); } ); grunt.registerTask( 'plugins-list-all', 'Lists all available external plugins.', function() { assertExternalDir(); var plugins = getExternalPlugins(); if ( !plugins.length ) { grunt.log.writeln( 'There are no external plugins available.' ); return; } grunt.log.writeln( 'Available plugins:' ); grunt.log.writeln( '* ' + plugins.join( '\n* ' ) ); } ); grunt.registerTask( 'plugins-install', 'Installs all external plugins specified in package.json to the plugins/ directory.', function() { var pluginsToInstall = getPluginsNamesFromConfig(); if ( !pluginsToInstall.length ) { grunt.log.writeln( 'There are no plugins configured in the package.json file.' ); return; } grunt.log.writeln( 'Installing plugins: ' + pluginsToInstall.join( ', ' ) + '...' ); function( pluginName ) { return 'plugin-install:' + pluginName; } ) ); } ); grunt.registerTask( 'plugins-uninstall', 'Uninstalls all external plugins from the plugins/ directory.', function() { assertExternalDir(); var pluginsToUninstall = getExternalPlugins().filter( isPluginInstalled ); if ( !pluginsToUninstall.length ) { grunt.log.writeln( 'There are no external plugins installed.' ); return; } grunt.log.writeln( 'Uninstalling plugins: ' + pluginsToUninstall.join( ', ' ) + '...' ); function( pluginName ) { return 'plugin-uninstall:' + pluginName; } ) ); } ); grunt.registerTask( 'plugins-update', 'Updates installed external plugins to the versions specified in package.json. ' + 'When used with the :install option the task will also install the plugins specified in package.json.', function( install ) { assertExternalDir(); var installedPlugins = getExternalPlugins().filter( isPluginInstalled ), pluginsToInstall = getPluginsNamesFromConfig(), tasks = []; if ( install ) { // Uinstall plugins which are not specified in package.json. tasks = tasks.concat( installedPlugins .filter( function( pluginName ) { return pluginsToInstall.indexOf( pluginName ) == -1; } ) .map( function( pluginName ) { return 'plugin-uninstall:' + pluginName; } ) ); // Install plugins which are not yet installed. tasks = tasks.concat( pluginsToInstall .filter( function( pluginName ) { return installedPlugins.indexOf( pluginName ) == -1; } ) .map( function( pluginName ) { return 'plugin-install:' + pluginName; } ) ); // Finally, update all installed plugins. // We could use the --install parameter instead of :install, but then we would // need to use grunt.option( 'install', false ) before calling plugins-update recursively ;/. tasks.push( 'plugins-update' ); tasks ); return; } if ( !installedPlugins.length ) { grunt.log.writeln( 'There are no external plugins installed.' ); return; } else { grunt.log.writeln( 'Updating plugins: ' + installedPlugins.join( ', ' ) + '...' ); } function( pluginName ) { return 'plugin-update:' + pluginName; } ) ); } ); // Grunt.file.* methods does not understand symlinks, neither fs.exists, so using the lstat. function pathExists( path ) { try { fs.lstatSync( path ); } catch ( e ) { return false; } return true; } function isSymlink( path ) { try { return fs.lstatSync( path ).isSymbolicLink(); } catch ( e ) { return false; } } function addPluginDirToGitExclude( pluginDir ) { var excludedPaths = getGitExclude(); if ( excludedPaths.indexOf( pluginDir ) > -1 ) { return; } excludedPaths.push( pluginDir ); grunt.file.write( '.git/info/exclude', excludedPaths.join( '\n' ) + '\n' ); } function removePluginDirFromGitExclude( pluginDir ) { var excludedPaths = getGitExclude(), index = excludedPaths.indexOf( pluginDir ); if ( index < 0 ) { return; } excludedPaths.splice( index, 1 ); grunt.file.write( '.git/info/exclude', excludedPaths.join( '\n' ) + '\n' ); } function getGitExclude() { return '.git/info/exclude' ).toString() // Remove empty lines from the end of the file. .replace( /\n+$/g, '' ) .split( /\n/ ); } // Returns an array of directories names inside dir. function getDirs( dir ) { var fileNames = fs.readdirSync( dir ); return fileNames.filter( function( fileName ) { return fs.lstatSync( dir + fileName ).isDirectory(); } ); } // Returns an array of external plugins names. function getExternalPlugins() { return getDirs( grunt.config.get( 'plugin.externalDir' ) ); } // Checks whether a plugin is installed. function isPluginInstalled( pluginName ) { return pathExists( grunt.config.get( 'plugin.installationDir' ) + pluginName ); } // Checks that the external plugins directory exists. function assertExternalDir() { var externalDir = grunt.config.get( 'plugin.externalDir' ); if ( !grunt.file.isDir( externalDir ) ) { 'The "' + externalDir + '" directory must exist.' ); } } function assertExternalPluginDir( pluginName ) { var externalPluginDir = getExternalPluginDir( pluginName ); if ( !grunt.file.isDir( externalPluginDir ) ) { 'The "' + externalPluginDir + '" directory must exist.' ); } } function getExternalPluginDir( pluginName ) { return grunt.config.get( 'plugin.externalDir' ) + pluginName; } function getPluginConfig( pluginName ) { var pluginsConfig = grunt.config.get( 'pkg.ckeditorPlugins' ); if ( pluginsConfig && ( pluginName in pluginsConfig ) ) { var pluginConfig = pluginsConfig[ pluginName ]; // Normalization. Default version and default origin. if ( typeof pluginConfig != 'object' ) { pluginConfig = { version: pluginConfig }; } if ( typeof pluginConfig.version != 'string' ) { pluginConfig.version = 'master'; } if ( !pluginConfig.remote ) { pluginConfig.remote = 'origin'; } return pluginConfig; } else { return null; } } // Returns names of plugins specified in the package.json. function getPluginsNamesFromConfig() { var plugins = grunt.config.get( 'pkg.ckeditorPlugins' ); if ( !plugins ) return []; return Object.keys( plugins ); } function shExec( cmd ) { var ret = shjs.exec( cmd ); if ( ret.code ) { throw new Error( 'Error while executing `' + cmd + '`:\n\n' + ret.output ); } return ret.output; } function gitStatus() { return shExec( 'git status --porcelain' ); } function gitFetch( remote ) { return shExec( 'git fetch ' + remote ); } function gitCheckout( ref ) { return shExec( 'git checkout ' + ref ); } function gitResetHard( remote, ref ) { return shExec( 'git reset --hard ' + remote + '/' + ref ); } };