Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
/** * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2021, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see or */ /* exported SF */ 'use strict'; var SF = ( function() { var SF = {}; SF.attachListener = function( elem, evtName, callback ) { if ( elem.addEventListener ) { elem.addEventListener( evtName, callback, false ); } else if ( elem.attachEvent ) { elem.attachEvent( 'on' + evtName , function() { callback.apply( elem, arguments ); } ); } else { throw new Error( 'Could not attach event.' ); } }; SF.indexOf = ( function() { var indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf; if ( indexOf === 'function' ) { return function( arr, elem ) { return arr, elem ); }; } else { return function( arr, elem ) { var max = arr.length; for ( var i = 0; i < max; i++ ) { if ( arr[ i ] === elem ) { return i; } } return -1; }; } }() ); SF.accept = function( node, visitor ) { var children; // Handling node as a node and array if ( node.children ) { children = node.children; visitor( node ); } else if ( typeof node.length === 'number' ) { children = node; } var i = children ? ( children.length || 0 ) : 0; while ( i-- ) { SF.accept( children[ i ], visitor ); } }; SF.getByClass = ( function( ) { var getByClass = document.getElementsByClassName; if ( typeof getByClass === 'function' ) { return function( root, className ) { if ( typeof root === 'string' ) { className = root; root = document; } return root, className ); }; } return function( root, className ) { if ( typeof root === 'string' ) { className = root; root = document.getElementsByTagName( 'html' )[ 0 ]; } var results = []; SF.accept( root, function( elem ) { if ( SF.classList.contains( elem, className ) ) { results.push( elem ); } } ); return results; }; }() ); SF.classList = {}; SF.classList.add = function( elem, className ) { var classes = parseClasses( elem ); classes.push( className ); elem.attributes.setNamedItem( createClassAttr( classes ) ); }; SF.classList.remove = function( elem, className ) { var classes = parseClasses( elem, className ), foundAt = SF.indexOf( classes, className ); if ( foundAt === -1 ) { return; } classes.splice( foundAt, 1 ); elem.attributes.setNamedItem( createClassAttr( classes ) ); }; SF.classList.contains = function( elem, className ) { return findIndex( elem, className ) !== -1; }; SF.classList.toggle = function( elem, className ) { this.contains( elem, className ) ? this.remove( elem, className ) : this.add( elem, className ); }; function findIndex( elem, className ) { return SF.indexOf( parseClasses( elem ), className ); } function parseClasses( elem ) { var classAttr = elem.attributes ? elem.attributes.getNamedItem( 'class' ) : null; return classAttr ? classAttr.value.split( ' ' ) : []; } function createClassAttr( classesArray ) { var attr = document.createAttribute( 'class' ); attr.value = classesArray.join( ' ' ); return attr; } return SF; }() ); /* global SF, picoModal */ 'use strict'; ( function() { // Purges all styles in passed object. function purgeStyles( styles ) { for ( var i in styles ) { delete styles[ i ]; } } SF.modal = function( config ) { // Modal should use the same style set as the rest of the page (.content component). config.modalClass = 'modal content'; config.closeClass = 'modal-close'; // Purge all pre-defined pico styles. Use the lessfile instead. config.modalStyles = purgeStyles; // Close button styles are customized via lessfile. config.closeStyles = purgeStyles; var userDefinedAfterCreate = config.afterCreate, userDefinedAfterClose = config.afterClose; // Close modal on ESC key. function onKeyDown( event ) { if ( event.keyCode == 27 ) { modal.close(); } } // Use afterCreate as a config option rather than function chain. config.afterCreate = function( modal ) { userDefinedAfterCreate && userDefinedAfterCreate( modal ); window.addEventListener( 'keydown', onKeyDown ); }; // Use afterClose as a config option rather than function chain. config.afterClose = function( modal ) { userDefinedAfterClose && userDefinedAfterClose( modal ); window.removeEventListener( 'keydown', onKeyDown ); }; var modal = new picoModal( config ) .afterCreate( config.afterCreate ) .afterClose( config.afterClose ); return modal; }; } )(); 'use strict'; ( function() { // All .tree-a elements in DOM. var expanders = SF.getByClass( 'toggler' ); var i = expanders.length; while ( i-- ) { var expander = expanders[ i ]; SF.attachListener( expander, 'click', function() { var containsIcon = SF.classList.contains( this, 'icon-toggler-expanded' ) || SF.classList.contains( this, 'icon-toggler-collapsed' ), related = document.getElementById( this.getAttribute( 'data-for' ) ); SF.classList.toggle( this, 'collapsed' ); if ( SF.classList.contains( this, 'collapsed' ) ) { SF.classList.add( related, 'collapsed' ); if ( containsIcon ) { SF.classList.remove( this, 'icon-toggler-expanded' ); SF.classList.add( this, 'icon-toggler-collapsed' ); } } else { SF.classList.remove( related, 'collapsed' ); if ( containsIcon ) { SF.classList.remove( this, 'icon-toggler-collapsed' ); SF.classList.add( this, 'icon-toggler-expanded' ); } } } ); } } )(); /* global SF */ 'use strict'; ( function() { // All .tree-a elements in DOM. var trees = SF.getByClass( 'tree-a' ); for ( var i = trees.length; i--; ) { var tree = trees[ i ]; SF.attachListener( tree, 'click', function( evt ) { var target = || evt.srcElement; // Collapse or expand item groups. if ( target.nodeName === 'H2' && !SF.classList.contains( target, 'tree-a-no-sub' ) ) { SF.classList.toggle( target, 'tree-a-active' ); } } ); } } )(); // jshint ignore:start // jscs:disable /** * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ /** * A self-contained modal library */ (function(window, document) { "use strict"; /** Returns whether a value is a dom node */ function isNode(value) { if ( typeof Node === "object" ) { return value instanceof Node; } else { return value && typeof value === "object" && typeof value.nodeType === "number"; } } /** Returns whether a value is a string */ function isString(value) { return typeof value === "string"; } /** * Generates observable objects that can be watched and triggered */ function observable() { var callbacks = []; return { watch: callbacks.push.bind(callbacks), trigger: function( modal ) { var unprevented = true; var event = { preventDefault: function preventDefault () { unprevented = false; } }; for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) { callbacks[i](modal, event); } return unprevented; } }; } /** * A small interface for creating and managing a dom element */ function Elem( elem ) { this.elem = elem; } /** * Creates a new div */ Elem.div = function ( parent ) { var elem = document.createElement('div'); (parent || document.body).appendChild(elem); return new Elem(elem); }; Elem.prototype = { /** Creates a child of this node */ child: function () { return Elem.div(this.elem); }, /** Applies a set of styles to an element */ stylize: function(styles) { styles = styles || {}; if ( typeof styles.opacity !== "undefined" ) { styles.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + (styles.opacity * 100) + ")"; } for (var prop in styles) { if (styles.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {[prop] = styles[prop]; } } return this; }, /** Adds a class name */ clazz: function (clazz) { this.elem.className += " " + clazz; return this; }, /** Sets the HTML */ html: function (content) { if ( isNode(content) ) { this.elem.appendChild( content ); } else { this.elem.innerHTML = content; } return this; }, /** Adds a click handler to this element */ onClick: function(callback) { this.elem.addEventListener('click', callback); return this; }, /** Removes this element from the DOM */ destroy: function() { document.body.removeChild(this.elem); }, /** Hides this element */ hide: function() { = "none"; }, /** Shows this element */ show: function() { = "block"; }, /** Sets an attribute on this element */ attr: function ( name, value ) { this.elem.setAttribute(name, value); return this; }, /** Executes a callback on all the ancestors of an element */ anyAncestor: function ( predicate ) { var elem = this.elem; while ( elem ) { if ( predicate( new Elem(elem) ) ) { return true; } else { elem = elem.parentNode; } } return false; } }; /** Generates the grey-out effect */ function buildOverlay( getOption, close ) { return Elem.div() .clazz("pico-overlay") .clazz( getOption("overlayClass", "") ) .stylize({ display: "block", position: "fixed", top: "0px", left: "0px", height: "100%", width: "100%", zIndex: 10000 }) .stylize(getOption('overlayStyles', { opacity: 0.5, background: "#000" })) .onClick(function () { if ( getOption('overlayClose', true) ) { close(); } }); } /** Builds the content of a modal */ function buildModal( getOption, close ) { var width = getOption('width', 'auto'); if ( typeof width === "number" ) { width = "" + width + "px"; } var elem = Elem.div() .clazz("pico-content") .clazz( getOption("modalClass", "") ) .stylize({ display: 'block', position: 'fixed', zIndex: 10001, left: "50%", top: "50px", width: width, '-ms-transform': 'translateX(-50%)', '-moz-transform': 'translateX(-50%)', '-webkit-transform': 'translateX(-50%)', '-o-transform': 'translateX(-50%)', 'transform': 'translateX(-50%)' }) .stylize(getOption('modalStyles', { backgroundColor: "white", padding: "20px", borderRadius: "5px" })) .html( getOption('content') ) .attr("role", "dialog") .onClick(function (event) { var isCloseClick = new Elem( .anyAncestor(function (elem) { return /\bpico-close\b/.test(elem.elem.className); }); if ( isCloseClick ) { close(); } }); return elem; } /** Builds the close button */ function buildClose ( elem, getOption ) { if ( getOption('closeButton', true) ) { return elem.child() .html( getOption('closeHtml', "×") ) .clazz("pico-close") .clazz( getOption("closeClass") ) .stylize( getOption('closeStyles', { borderRadius: "2px", cursor: "pointer", height: "15px", width: "15px", position: "absolute", top: "5px", right: "5px", fontSize: "16px", textAlign: "center", lineHeight: "15px", background: "#CCC" }) ); } } /** Builds a method that calls a method and returns an element */ function buildElemAccessor( builder ) { return function () { return builder().elem; }; } /** * Displays a modal */ function picoModal(options) { if ( isString(options) || isNode(options) ) { options = { content: options }; } var afterCreateEvent = observable(); var beforeShowEvent = observable(); var afterShowEvent = observable(); var beforeCloseEvent = observable(); var afterCloseEvent = observable(); /** * Returns a named option if it has been explicitly defined. Otherwise, * it returns the given default value */ function getOption ( opt, defaultValue ) { var value = options[opt]; if ( typeof value === "function" ) { value = value( defaultValue ); } return value === undefined ? defaultValue : value; } /** Hides this modal */ function forceClose () { shadowElem().hide(); modalElem().hide(); afterCloseEvent.trigger(iface); } /** Gracefully hides this modal */ function close () { if ( beforeCloseEvent.trigger(iface) ) { forceClose(); } } /** Wraps a method so it returns the modal interface */ function returnIface ( callback ) { return function () { callback.apply(this, arguments); return iface; }; } // The constructed dom nodes var built; /** Builds a method that calls a method and returns an element */ function build ( name ) { if ( !built ) { var modal = buildModal(getOption, close); built = { modal: modal, overlay: buildOverlay(getOption, close), close: buildClose(modal, getOption) }; afterCreateEvent.trigger(iface); } return built[name]; } var modalElem = build.bind(window, 'modal'); var shadowElem = build.bind(window, 'overlay'); var closeElem = build.bind(window, 'close'); var iface = { /** Returns the wrapping modal element */ modalElem: buildElemAccessor(modalElem), /** Returns the close button element */ closeElem: buildElemAccessor(closeElem), /** Returns the overlay element */ overlayElem: buildElemAccessor(shadowElem), /** Shows this modal */ show: function () { if ( beforeShowEvent.trigger(iface) ) { shadowElem().show(); closeElem(); modalElem().show(); afterShowEvent.trigger(iface); } return this; }, /** Hides this modal */ close: returnIface(close), /** * Force closes this modal. This will not call beforeClose * events and will just immediately hide the modal */ forceClose: returnIface(forceClose), /** Destroys this modal */ destroy: function () { modalElem = modalElem().destroy(); shadowElem = shadowElem().destroy(); closeElem = undefined; }, /** * Updates the options for this modal. This will only let you * change options that are re-evaluted regularly, such as * `overlayClose`. */ options: function ( opts ) { options = opts; }, /** Executes after the DOM nodes are created */ afterCreate: returnIface(, /** Executes a callback before this modal is closed */ beforeShow: returnIface(, /** Executes a callback after this modal is shown */ afterShow: returnIface(, /** Executes a callback before this modal is closed */ beforeClose: returnIface(, /** Executes a callback after this modal is closed */ afterClose: returnIface( }; return iface; } if ( typeof window.define === "function" && window.define.amd ) { window.define(function () { return picoModal; }); } else { window.picoModal = picoModal; } }(window, document)); // jscs:enable // jshint ignore:end