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/** * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2021, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see or */ /** * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.env} object which contains * environment and browser information. */ if ( !CKEDITOR.env ) { /** * Environment and browser information. * * @class CKEDITOR.env * @singleton */ CKEDITOR.env = ( function() { var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), edge = agent.match( /edge[ \/](\d+.?\d*)/ ), trident = agent.indexOf( 'trident/' ) > -1, ie = !!( edge || trident ); var env = { /** * Indicates that CKEditor is running in Internet Explorer. * * if ( ) * alert( 'I\'m running in IE!' ); * * **Note:** This property is also set to `true` if CKEditor is running * in {@link #edge Microsoft Edge}. * * @property {Boolean} */ ie: ie, /** * Indicates that CKEditor is running in Microsoft Edge. * * if ( CKEDITOR.env.edge ) * alert( 'I\'m running in Edge!' ); * * See also {@link #ie}. * * @since 4.5.0 * @property {Boolean} */ edge: !!edge, /** * Indicates that CKEditor is running in a WebKit-based browser, like Safari, * or Blink-based browser, like Chrome. * * if ( CKEDITOR.env.webkit ) * alert( 'I\'m running in a WebKit browser!' ); * * @property {Boolean} */ webkit: !ie && ( agent.indexOf( ' applewebkit/' ) > -1 ), /** * Indicates that CKEditor is running in Adobe AIR. * * if ( CKEDITOR.env.air ) * alert( 'I\'m on AIR!' ); * * @property {Boolean} */ air: ( agent.indexOf( ' adobeair/' ) > -1 ), /** * Indicates that CKEditor is running on Macintosh. * * if ( CKEDITOR.env.mac ) * alert( 'I love apples!'' ); * * @property {Boolean} */ mac: ( agent.indexOf( 'macintosh' ) > -1 ), /** * Indicates that CKEditor is running in a Quirks Mode environment. * * if ( CKEDITOR.env.quirks ) * alert( 'Nooooo!' ); * * Internet Explorer 10 introduced the _New Quirks Mode_, which is similar to the _Quirks Mode_ * implemented in other modern browsers and defined in the HTML5 specification. It can be handled * as the Standards mode, so the value of this property will be set to `false`. * * The _Internet Explorer 5 Quirks_ mode which is still available in Internet Explorer 10+ * sets this value to `true` and {@link #version} to `7`. * * Read more: [IEBlog]( * * @property {Boolean} */ quirks: ( document.compatMode == 'BackCompat' && ( !document.documentMode || document.documentMode < 10 ) ), /** * Indicates that CKEditor is running in a mobile environemnt. * * if ( ) * alert( 'I\'m running with CKEditor today!' ); * * @deprecated * @property {Boolean} */ mobile: ( agent.indexOf( 'mobile' ) > -1 ), /** * Indicates that CKEditor is running on Apple iPhone/iPad/iPod devices. * * if ( CKEDITOR.env.iOS ) * alert( 'I like little apples!' ); * * @property {Boolean} */ iOS: /(ipad|iphone|ipod)/.test( agent ), /** * Indicates that the browser has a custom domain enabled. This has * been set with `document.domain`. * * if ( CKEDITOR.env.isCustomDomain() ) * alert( 'I\'m in a custom domain!' ); * * @returns {Boolean} `true` if a custom domain is enabled. * @deprecated */ isCustomDomain: function() { if ( ! ) return false; var domain = document.domain, hostname = window.location.hostname; return domain != hostname && domain != ( '[' + hostname + ']' ); // IPv6 IP support ( }, /** * Indicates that the page is running under an encrypted connection. * * if ( ) * alert( 'I\'m on SSL!' ); * * @returns {Boolean} `true` if the page has an encrypted connection. */ secure: location.protocol == 'https:' }; /** * Indicates that CKEditor is running in a Gecko-based browser, like * Firefox. * * if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko ) * alert( 'I\'m riding a gecko!' ); * * @property {Boolean} */ env.gecko = ( navigator.product == 'Gecko' && !env.webkit && ! ); /** * Indicates that CKEditor is running in a Blink-based browser like Chrome. * * if ( ) * alert( 'I\'m running in Chrome!' ); * * @property {Boolean} chrome */ /** * Indicates that CKEditor is running in Safari (including the mobile version). * * if ( CKEDITOR.env.safari ) * alert( 'I\'m on Safari!' ); * * @property {Boolean} safari */ if ( env.webkit ) { if ( agent.indexOf( 'chrome' ) > -1 ) = true; else env.safari = true; } var version = 0; // Internet Explorer 6.0+ if ( ) { // We use env.version for feature detection, so set it properly. if ( edge ) { version = parseFloat( edge[ 1 ] ); } else if ( env.quirks || !document.documentMode ) { version = parseFloat( agent.match( /msie (\d+)/ )[ 1 ] ); } else { version = document.documentMode; } // Deprecated features available just for backwards compatibility. env.ie9Compat = version == 9; env.ie8Compat = version == 8; env.ie7Compat = version == 7; env.ie6Compat = version < 7 || env.quirks; /** * Indicates that CKEditor is running in an IE6-like environment, which * includes IE6 itself as well as IE7, IE8 and IE9 in Quirks Mode. * * @deprecated * @property {Boolean} ie6Compat */ /** * Indicates that CKEditor is running in an IE7-like environment, which * includes IE7 itself and IE8's IE7 Document Mode. * * @deprecated * @property {Boolean} ie7Compat */ /** * Indicates that CKEditor is running in Internet Explorer 8 on * Standards Mode. * * @deprecated * @property {Boolean} ie8Compat */ /** * Indicates that CKEditor is running in Internet Explorer 9 on * Standards Mode. * * @deprecated * @property {Boolean} ie9Compat */ } // Gecko. if ( env.gecko ) { var geckoRelease = agent.match( /rv:([\d\.]+)/ ); if ( geckoRelease ) { geckoRelease = geckoRelease[ 1 ].split( '.' ); version = geckoRelease[ 0 ] * 10000 + ( geckoRelease[ 1 ] || 0 ) * 100 + ( geckoRelease[ 2 ] || 0 ) * 1; } } // Adobe AIR 1.0+ // Checked before Safari because AIR have the WebKit rich text editor // features from Safari 3.0.4, but the version reported is 420. if ( env.air ) version = parseFloat( agent.match( / adobeair\/(\d+)/ )[ 1 ] ); // WebKit 522+ (Safari 3+) if ( env.webkit ) version = parseFloat( agent.match( / applewebkit\/(\d+)/ )[ 1 ] ); /** * Contains the browser version. * * For Gecko-based browsers (like Firefox) it contains the revision * number with first three parts concatenated with a padding zero * (e.g. for revision we have 10900). * * For WebKit-based browsers (like Safari and Chrome) it contains the * WebKit build version (e.g. 522). * * For IE browsers, it matches the "Document Mode". * * if ( && CKEDITOR.env.version <= 6 ) * alert( 'Ouch!' ); * * @property {Number} */ env.version = version; /** * Since CKEditor 4.5.0 this property is a blacklist of browsers incompatible with CKEditor. It means that it is * set to `false` only in browsers that are known to be incompatible. Before CKEditor 4.5.0 this * property was a whitelist of browsers that were known to be compatible with CKEditor. * * The reason for this change is the rising fragmentation of the browser market (especially the mobile segment). * It became too complicated to check in which new environments CKEditor is going to work. * * In order to enable CKEditor 4.4.x and below in unsupported environments see the * {@glink guide/dev_unsupported_environments Enabling CKEditor in Unsupported Environments} article. * * if ( CKEDITOR.env.isCompatible ) * alert( 'Your browser is not known to be incompatible with CKEditor!' ); * * @property {Boolean} */ env.isCompatible = // IE 7+ (IE 7 is not supported, but IE Compat Mode is and it is recognized as IE7). !( && version < 7 ) && // Firefox 4.0+. !( env.gecko && version < 40000 ) && // Chrome 6+, Safari 5.1+, iOS 5+. !( env.webkit && version < 534 ); /** * Indicates that CKEditor is running in the HiDPI environment. * * if ( CKEDITOR.env.hidpi ) * alert( 'You are using a screen with high pixel density.' ); * * @property {Boolean} */ env.hidpi = window.devicePixelRatio >= 2; /** * Indicates that CKEditor is running in a browser which uses a bogus * `<br>` filler in order to correctly display caret in empty blocks. * * @since 4.3.0 * @property {Boolean} */ env.needsBrFiller = env.gecko || env.webkit || ( && version > 10 ); /** * Indicates that CKEditor is running in a browser which needs a * non-breaking space filler in order to correctly display caret in empty blocks. * * @since 4.3.0 * @property {Boolean} */ env.needsNbspFiller = && version < 11; /** * A CSS class that denotes the browser where CKEditor runs and is appended * to the HTML element that contains the editor. It makes it easier to apply * browser-specific styles to editor instances. * * myDiv.className = CKEDITOR.env.cssClass; * * @property {String} */ env.cssClass = 'cke_browser_' + ( ? 'ie' : env.gecko ? 'gecko' : env.webkit ? 'webkit' : 'unknown' ); if ( env.quirks ) env.cssClass += ' cke_browser_quirks'; if ( ) env.cssClass += ' cke_browser_ie' + ( env.quirks ? '6 cke_browser_iequirks' : env.version ); if ( env.air ) env.cssClass += ' cke_browser_air'; if ( env.iOS ) env.cssClass += ' cke_browser_ios'; if ( env.hidpi ) env.cssClass += ' cke_hidpi'; return env; } )(); } // PACKAGER_RENAME( CKEDITOR.env ) // PACKAGER_RENAME( )