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months = parseInt(month); clearTimeout(typingTimer); if (month) { typingTimer = setTimeout(doneTyping, doneTypingInterval); } }); function doneTyping() { $('#years').val(months / 12); } }) $(function() { var month = $(this).val(), doneTypingInterval = 500, months = parseInt(month), typingTimer; $('#months').keyup(function() { month = $(this).val(); months = parseInt(month); clearTimeout(typingTimer); if (month) { typingTimer = setTimeout(doneTyping, doneTypingInterval); } }); function doneTyping() { $('#years').val(months / 12); } }) $(function() { var year = $(this).val(), doneTypingInterval = 500, years = parseInt(year), typingTimer; $('#years').keyup(function() { year = $(this).val(); myears = parseInt(year); clearTimeout(typingTimer); if (year) { typingTimer = setTimeout(doneTyping, doneTypingInterval); } }); function doneTyping() { $('#months').val(year * 12); } }) /* Wow ============================================== */ new WOW().init(); /* Date picker ============================================== */ $('.datepicker').datepicker();